Fellowships & Grants


Reporting Requirements & Tax Information

ASF Requirements

Report Forms

As a Fellow of The American-Scandinavian Foundation, you are responsible for providing the ASF with reports throughout the course of your program. Please review the information below to determine which report forms are pertinent to you. Please note that award payments are contingent on the submission of these reports.

All reports may be completed on-line and submitted via e-mail to grants@amscan.org. You may also print and mail the reports to: Fellowship Program, The American-Scandinavian Foundation, 58 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016.

Arrival Report (Microsoft Word)
Must be submitted by every Scandinavian Fellow upon arrival in the U.S.

Travel Report (Microsoft Word)
Must be submitted by every American Fellow prior to departure from the U.S.

Interim Report (For year-long projects only) Must be submitted by every American and Scandinavian Fellow who is spending more than six months abroad.

Final Narrative Report (For all projects)
Must be submitted by all ASF Fellows no later than 60 days after the end of the grant/fellowship period.

Federal Requirements

The advice and information below has been posted after consultation between ASF staff and the federal offices in question.

This advice relates specifically to responsibilities associated with your ASF award, and may not be applicable to other sources of financial support (teaching assistantships, research assistantships, other scholarship funding) you receive towards your studies in the U.S. or Scandinavia.

U.S. Taxes

Tax regulations applicable to your ASF award vary significantly for citizens from one country to another, so please familiarize yourself with your U.S. tax obligations by consulting the section appropriate to your nationality. Please note that Scandinavians who are here in the U.S. as Permanent Residents (possessing a green card) have the same tax obligations as U.S. citizens and should consult the section “For Americans.”

U.S. Social Security Numbers and ITINS

Every ASF Fellow must provide the ASF with a U.S.

Social Security Number or and ITINs before award payment can be made.