Academic Year Programs
Danish Universities
Danish Universities and colleges offer an array of study programs for international students. More than 50 degree-offering programs, taught in English and primarily at the Masters level—although some at the Bachelor’s level—are currently available.
Further information about the Danish educational system, available grants and scholarships for international students, rules of residence, obtaining work permits, and health insurance premiums and benefits is available at The Danish Agency for Universities and Internationalisation. The Denmark-America Foundation & Fulbright Commission also has numerous links for American students.
Study in Denmark
A Danish government website about higher education in Denmark for international students. The website contains academic and practical information about studying, living and working in Denmark.
The website is run by the Danish Agency for Universities and Internationalisation under the auspices of the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education. The agency is responsible for the assessment and recognition of international qualifications and administers a number of Danish, European and Nordic student exchange programs that promote international co-operation and mobility in education.
Study Abroad Programs through American Universities
American undergraduate students can receive course credit directly from their institution for their participation in the following programs.
These programs are available to students from any college or university.
DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia
Since its founding in 1959, DIS has sponsored study programs in cooperation with American coordinating institutions. Courses are taught in English by Danish faculty. Students may enroll for one semester (fall or spring) or the academic year.
Subjects include Architecture & Design, Global Economics, Psychology, Biomedicine, International Business, Public Health, Child Diversity & Development, Justice & Human Rights, Science & the Environment, Communication & Media, Medical Practice & Policy, Sociology, European Humanities, Migration & Conflict, Sustainability in Europe, European Politics, Pre-Architecture.
University of Miami
University of Copenhagen
The University of Copenhagen is located in Denmark’s capital, commercial and cultural center as well as Scandinavia’s largest city. It is noted for its beautiful squares, picturesque canals, innovative architecture, and cozy cafes. The university was established in 1479 and has over 37,000 students on three campuses in the city.
The language of instruction is primarily Danish with a significant number of courses taught in English each semester.
The University of Miami offers an ongoing student exchange program that allows both UM and non-UM students to easily enroll for classes at USD.
Northern Arizona University
ISEP in Denmark - Aalborg University, Aalborg, International Cultural Studies ISEP Exchange
ISEP in Denmark – Aalborg University, Aalborg, International Cultural Studies ISEP Exchange offers a variety of study opportunities at undergraduate and graduate level.
Participants on an Exchange Program pay NAU tuition and fees to NAU; In-state and Out-of-state rates apply based upon the student’s status at NAU. Students at NAU on the Western Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE) pay the WUE tuition rate.
Roskilde University
Exchange program to Roskilde University offers courses in the fields of Business, Politics & International Affairs
Participants on an Exchange Program pay NAU tuition and fees to NAU; In-state and Out-of-state rates apply based upon the student’s status at NAU. Students at NAU on the Western Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE) pay the WUE tuition rate.
Other Programs
Danish Folk High Schools
Folk high schools (in Danish, folkhøjskoler) admit students with diverse backgrounds and interests in curricula stressing cultural and social problems of universal interest.
Note: The term folkehøjskoler (or højskole) is often translated as “folk high school” or “folk college.” Neither of these terms adequately covers the concept. The Danish folkhøjskole is a unique institution conceptualized by N.F.S. Grundtvig in the 19th century.
Location: Locations throughout Denmark, primarily in rural areas
Dates: Courses vary from school to school, the shortest being one week, the longest ten months. Most courses last 4-5 months. The majority of courses run from January – May, August – November.
Eligibility: Minimum age 18 years
Instruction: Generally, instruction is in Danish, but some programs offer Danish language study
Credit: Contact home institution
Housing: At the school
Scandinavian Seminar
Folk School Program
Scandinavian Seminar offers students of all ages the opportunity to study in Denmark through independent internship and study programs. The offered programs are designed to custom fit students’ interests and goals. Study of language and culture, folk arts, traditional dance, environmental studies, outdoor life and deaf culture, among many others, are only some of the courses available through this program.
Location: Various locations throughout Denmark
Dates: August – May
Eligibility: Varied, students must fill out application to specify what type of experience they are looking for.
Instruction: Varied
Credit: Must be pre-arranged
Financial Aid: Not available
Crossing Borders Global Studies
Crossing Borders Global Studies at Krogerup Folk School in Denmark is a unique semester program for globally-minded and socially-committed students. The program is a life-changing experience at an exceptional value. The program is designed to enable students to build the skills, theoretical and practical, to help them understand the issues affecting their lives. The aim of the program is to help students think and act internationally and to make a positive difference in their lives and the world around them. Through projects and classes the participants learn to work together across borders and across cultures toward mutual understanding.
Location: Krogerup Folk School, Denmark
Dates: Check website
Eligibility: Open
Instruction: In English
Credit: Must be pre-arranged
Financial Aid: Available
Language Programs
The Danish Cultural Institute offers a two week course in Danish language and culture for intermediate and advanced students, in cooperation with KVUC (Copenhagen Adult Education Center).
More information is available on their website.
Three programs for foreign students to learn Danish while living and studying with Danish students at a folk high school. After the students acquire a basic knowledge of the language, programs are broadened to include geography, political institutions, history and literature.
Location: Rønde (near Åarhus), Jutland
Dates: Check website
Eligibility: Minimum 17½ years of age
Instruction: In Danish. Extra-curricular activities include sports, excursions and cultural evenings.
Credit: Contact home institution
Housing: Double (and single) rooms
Financial Aid: Information on grants may be obtained from the Kalø School.
The school offers several levels of language instruction to enable students to learn Danish as quickly and efficiently as possible in a stimulating learning environment. Day classes are offered every month and evening classes every third month.
There is no tuition fee, but the estimated cost of course materials is between $30 and $50. Room and board are not provided. More information about programs and courses can be obtained via email from
Studieskolen provides courses for foreigners in Danish as a second language. Courses are offered 4 -8 times a year and range from the beginner to the advanced levels of study.
Both daytime and evening classes are available; Studieskolen provides Danskprøve II and Danskprøve III (Certificate of Proficiency in Danish Language) which are required for matriculation at Danish universities and other institutions of higher learning. One-to-one lessons are available.
Summer Programs
DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia
DIS boasts of a long tradition of international cooperation through study abroad programs. Since 1959, DIS has actively worked in cooperation with American coordinating institutions to advance its mission to prepare international students through cross-cultural immersion, interactive classrooms and challenging courses taught in English for the new globalized international job market.
At DIS, students have the opportunity to build their own curriculum. Courses are available in topics including architecture, design (interior, furniture, textiles, and ceramics), humanities, social sciences, international business, economics, HIV/AIDS in Western Europe, psychology, child development, early childhood education, and nursing, among many others. The courses are primarily designed with American students in mind and award between 6 to 12 credits, depending on the length of study.
Study tours around Denmark, Europe and the third world (including China) are part of some of the courses.
Location: Copenhagen
Dates: Check website
Eligibility: 3.0 or better GPA. Junior or senior standing. Strong intellectual curiosity. Specific requisites or co-requisites exist for some of the courses.
Instruction: English by Danish teachers
Credits: 6-12
Housing: Student housing or Danish host family stay
Financial Aid: DIS grant & work-study scholarships available
Danmarks Designskole’s design education provides students with specialized knowledge, methodical skills and professional qualifications within the field of design. Specific subjects the students can choose from include visual communication, digital design, production design, fashion design, textile design, industrial design, ceramic and glass design, and furniture and spatial design.
Location: Copenhagen
Dates: Check website
Eligibility: It is possible for non-Danish speakers to study at Danmarks Designskole for one or two semesters as guest or exchange students if they are enrolled in an art or design school somewhere else. Due to a very limited number of spaces, the school gives first priority to students coming from schools with which they have an exchange agreement. This has in practice meant that they have only accepted 1-2 guest students within the last couple of years. Students enrolling in regular program must pass Danish proficiency test.
Instruction: Danish.
Housing: The University assists students in arranging housing with other students.
The Schools of Visual Arts of the Danish Academy of Fine Arts
The Schools of Visual Arts provide instruction and stimulate research within the creative arts (painting, sculpture, graphic arts, photography, video art, etc.) and within the history and theory of art and civilization, as well as developing the various artistic/technical disciplines which form the basis of a visual arts practice.
The Schools of Visual Arts has the aim that students gain a high level of knowledge about the contemporary international art scene as well as become active participants in it.
Location: Copenhagen
Dates: Check website
Eligibility: Applicants must submit examples of their creative work for evaluation.
Instruction: English.
Housing: Contact the school for information.
A rather unique part of Danish adult education is the Folk High Schools – folkehøjskoler.
These have nothing to do with high schools, but are free adult boarding schools offering courses in a wide variety of theoretical and practical subjects ranging from history, literature and philosophy to sports, photography, pottery and many other arts and crafts. More information can be found under the other programs section.
The Royal Danish Ballet
For three weeks in July, The Royal Danish Ballet offers a focused course with renowned international teachers representing different styles and traditions of the dance world.
The Summer School takes place from July 9th-28th, 2018 in the facilities of the renowned Royal Danish Ballet at The Royal Theatre in the center of Copenhagen.
Enrolled students get the chance to work on pieces from highly respected choreographers featured in world-class companies around the world. On July 28th enrolled students will be able to take part in a performance on one of the Royal Theater’s professional stages showcasing excerpts from the various classes.